Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Know How to Ride My Bike Today

Guess what I did? I rided my bike the whole time. I really didn't need any help, but I needed help getting started. But guess what? I never needed help. I got up one time and you have to get the pedal to go up and then you give a little hard push and then you're going. You can't imagine it because you're going really fast when you're pedaling.


Anonymous said...

I can still remember the first time that I rode a two wheel bike all by myself. I was six years old. We lived in LaGrand Oregon. It was my neighbor's bike and it was not small. I was able to ride it with some help the first time and then was able to stay up all by myself after that.

I felt really good after I was done.

Heather said...

Sami you are so good at riding your bike! I was really surprised at how quickly you caught on! It was great cause I came running out with the video camera expecting that it would take you a minute to stay up and the next thing I know you go flying past me riding all by yourself! I'm glad you love to ride your bike!

Anonymous said...

Sami, I had to teach myself how to ride a bike. I was much older than you! You are so big to be riding a bike already! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

The anonymoust comment about the boy riding his bike in LaGrand Oregon is Grandpa Slack. I am really glad that you are riding your bike.

Just remember to be safe and watch for other people and for cars.