Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I Went to the Mountains Today, Saw Deer

It's stinky today because of my brother's stinky diaper.  Griffin was so, so stinky today.

We went in the mountains tonight. I see a pretty picture on my daddy's computer.  It has a yellow lake.

I always paint my nails all by myself.  I love Bridger and I love two boys, which is a boy across the street named Miles.  I'll always love you in my heart, Bridger.

I saw some baby deer and it was so awesome that I totally freaked out. My Mom Heather said ''Look at the deer jumping!'"

You should've been my uncle, Brother Bear.  (I said that to Bridger's Dad.}

I learned my address.  It's 123 B 456 A.  This many letters!

[Dad's Note: Sami was all over the map tonight with her post.  Can you tell?  You can see more pictures that Sami likes by visiting this page.]

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