Sunday, June 18, 2006

Me and Griffin's Post and My Church Post

I loved church today. I was kinda moving around a lot. Now I'm at home and church was a wonderful time. I'm in my mom's bed making a blog.

I go to church because Jesus wants me to. I like to do that and I would never stop going to church and I like to go to church really much. I love to go to church. I will go to church another day and be really quiet.

Happy Father's Day, Clint. [Is Clint your father?] Happy Uncle Day? Is he an uncle? What is he? I'm just meaning happy father work day. I really mean that you're supposed to write happy work day because work is off.

I love Bridger's writing because I crack up. My daddy just read it to me now.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

[When asked if Griffin would like to say anything:]

Griffin: Yea! Ummm... (Burp) Joseph! [What else?] Mommy. [What else?] Ummm...Sami! [Anything else?]! [Meaning Daddy.]

[Dad's Note: I had the opportunity to see that Sami was "moving around a lot" in primary today because I had to fill in as pianist. She didn't even know I was behind the piano until half way through. It was funny when she realized; you could just see the gears turning in her head, thinking back to the things I might be disappointed with her for.]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for wishing me a happy Father's Day, Sami! You are a very thoughtful little girl.

Heather said...

I love reading your blog Sami! You talk about lots of fun things. You are very blessed to have the wonderful Daddy that you do! Keep being a good girl!