Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Dad's Awesome, But Silly

Daddy, I was gonna say you're making make-up-believe. I want to say a joke.

Knock knock. Who's there? Mr. Alligator. Mr. Alligator who? Mr. Alligator because he went to school with a dinosaur and then he went home and his mother was his teacher and he broke his head and then he didn't see his mother at home and then he went to school again and then he said "mama" instead of mother.

I want to tell another joke. I know you love dinosaurs, Bridger, so I wanted to tell a dinosaur joke.

Why did the dinosaur have a broken knee? because he never wanted to go to school because he broke his knee all by himself and he wanted to.

Griffin was crying and my dad made him cry more. My dad is awesome, but he's silly. When he tries to cheer people up, he's trying to make them laugh but they cry. So I feel bad because they just cry more.

Sami's Note: We did a video a long time ago. That was when I was two or three, you can call it whatever you want. And we did it to a CD that was long, long ago.

[Dad's Note: Needless to say, I'm now officially embarrassed. Thanks, Sami. I'll remember this.]

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm so glad you included this video in your blog Sami! Daddy is hilarious! You guys had a great time doing this video! It's fun to have such a silly Dad!