Friday, August 04, 2006

I Goed to the Fair Today

I can't wait until I write on Bridger's Mystery Blog. I'm writing on it tomorrow because it's a guest blog.

I goed to the Fair today and and we goed on fishies and apples and a roller coaster. It was so, so fun. We were going to go on a slide but we didn't because I wanted to go on the apple because it was faster. I only like fast things. I rode on the ponies, too. It was so, so fun.

Griffin's Note: I goed to the movie theater and seed cows and birds. I goed to the restaraunt and be good. I go home and go to bed and seed Sami's blog. I want to see Bridger's and that's all I want to say.

[Dad's Note: The "Mystery Blog" is actually guest blog. She got it right in the second sentence. Bridger asked her to guest blog on tomorrow night because he won't be around to post. She's thrilled.

Griffin talked about the movies. We saw "Barnyard: The Original Party Animals". They liked it, especially the cow and boy tipping parts.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sami how fun that you went to the fair and rode on such fun rides. It is much more fun when the ride is fast, so good choice on that one. I love reading your blog and I love you!! You're great!!!