You can't run over rabbits, because if you do run over bunny rabbits we won't have any food for bunnies. And we won't be able to eat the bunnies. That's why you can't run over bunnies.
Jesus made the bunnies because Grandma Lee loves bunnies. She loves princesses, too. (Bridger doesn't know who Grandma Lee is, huh?)
What if those yellow lines were bunnies and you were running over them? (Then I was just staring out the window because I was looking at the white lines.)
Ah, my ankles hurt. Maybe they hurt because I need to go potty. But I can't bring these toys in the potty, huh? I have gas!
[Dad's Note: We went to a little known lake south of Tooele tonight for Family Home Evening and the rabbits were running around in droves! I was joking that they needed to kill some and I commented, "I doubt they'd mind if I hit a few of these bunnies." At that point Sami proceeded to chew me out for joking about killing the rabbits. That's what she chose to blog about tonight.]
Sami has a game called Pet Shop. I would always choose the bunny as my playing piece...I loved playing that and other games with Sami Lee and Griffin! They are fun game players!
I love reading your blog Sami Lee. You have a good heart and are a beautiful little Princess. You also have a good sense of humor...I wonder where that came from? ;)
Sami, I remember your dad mentioning your blog on Sunday so I decided to find it and read it. It is so fun to hear what you think about and love. I will check back often to see how things are going. I love you!!
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